Luck or fortuity is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance, and attributed by some to reasons of faith or superstition, which happens beyond a person's control.
Since Indoor Track ended a couple of weeks ago I've enjoyed more time outside after work to train and play after school. This has led to some great runs and rides where I find myself cruising through some of the most breathtaking spots in the Adirondacks. On Friday I made it up to the potato fields at John Brown's Farm, with the most amazing view of the High Peaks, and I had to stop and take a huge deep breath. I did the same thing at sunrise on Saturday when I reached the top of a climb and turned around to a pink sky through the trees. Lucky, I feel lucky. When I first graduated from SLU and took my first job in Gouverneur I wasn't sure where I was going-Florida or Cali someplace where triathletes can be tan and frolic outside year-round, but I never thought it would be here. While I've visited so many beautiful places, the proximity to the best grandparents in the world makes it hard to imagine living anywhere else. Life here is slow, but I'm thankful for that. My brain moves fast enough. When I think about Ruby growing up here surrounded by endless outdoor opportunities I'm grateful for that I left the Ogdensburg City Pool 10 summers ago to sell wetsuits and chammy butter in the mountains-lucky kid! Ahhhhhhhhh
The other thing I'm feeling pretty lucky about right now is the new member of our family-Roxy. If you know me and my dogs, I haven't been blessed with the easiest dogs in the world. I had a well behaved, intelligent dog once, but he followed Quenton out onto some thin ice and never came back. RIP sweet Harry:) I had made up my mind that after these dogs, I would stick to one dream dog to make life a little easier, but then I had a couple of runs where Bandit and Q ended up limping and a lil lame and the search for a new running buddy began. I knew I wanted some sort of herding dog-a Border Collie or Australian Shepard because they like the work and could go all day. It's amazing what gets labeled a Border Collie or Aussie on petfinder.com! Rescue sites, breeders, shelters the internet is so much fun when you're searching for just the right dog. Ruby and I went to hold puppies at our local shelter and within seconds I knew a "puppy" puppy wasn't what we were looking for and I definitely wanted a herding dog. Back to the computer, I broadened the search to my sisters zip codes and hit the jack pot! At first it was a lovely border collie who caught my eye, but then I scrolled down and found her-Roxy the Catahoula Leopard Dog! A leopard print dog? After more research it was a no brainer and we were gonna spend our first day of spring break driving to an adoption clinic to stake our claim! I ran into the store like it was 1985 and there was a new batch of Cabbage Patch Kids being released. I scanned to crates to find Roxy and my heart sank until I got to the final crate and there she was. Phew! The volunteer came over and asked if we'd like to see her and Ruby and I both shouted "YES!" As I carried her away from the crowd I knew we were done for and without asking a single question about her I was telling Ruby we could take her home and my ex husband was filling out the paperwork for me. The vultures were circling and waiting for us to put her back, but lucky timing put us there just in time! She was so calm and relaxed that my sister Tammy and Kevin kept questioning what the puppies were going to be like when the sedatives wore off. Fortunately the sedatives (the volunteers claimed the puppies weren't drugged) have worn off and Roxy is the best puppy I've ever met-house trained in a day, comes when we call her, fits right in with B and Q, and allows Ruby to do whatever she wants. You get the feeling that she realizes she hit the jackpot and feels pretty lucky:)