Raced the Duathlon National Championships this weekend-hit my goals square on the head, felt pretty awesome and proved that winning my age group last year wasn't a fluke after the freight train debacle. Phew, I'm not really sure if I would have gone through with trying to race pro for the rest of the season if I didn't win this race. Good thing it went as planned! Here are some Highlights from the weekend!
Most Insight from a 6 year old-
During the 4 hour drive to Aunt Kim's Ruby and I had a lot of time to talk and sing. The best conversation we had was when she woke up from a lovely hour nap and informed me that Earth Day should be everyday and that we all need to feel lucky to have the Earth while we have it and we need to take good care of it to make it last longer. Then she listed some of the ways we can help the environment-by not driving so much because the gases from our cars go up into the air and get trapped in clouds and then come back down in rain and kill plants and ruin lakes and rivers, by not using lead sinkers when we fish because they kills plants and fish, by not pulling grass out of the ground, and by turning off all the lights we don't need we can save a lot of energy!
Best Pre-flight Distraction-
When they brought me to the airport Ruby and I sat on different sides of a glass partition and talked to each other on the phone for 15 minutes and I explained to her that this is what it's like for people in jail-what a fun game!
Nicest Sight for Sore Eyes/BFF to the Rescue-
I made it to Virginia and pretended to be calm waiting in the airport for Jenny. I hadn't seen since she drove away from my house in August, so when she finally walked around the corner I ran up to her, gave her the biggest hug and then I just stared at her for a little while to make sure she was really there. She was and she really enjoyed the beautiful Econolodge I found for us on the Midlothian Turnpike. It took 4 tries to find a suitable non-smoking room, but we did it and we will live to tell about it!
Best Magic Potion-
Coach Martha promised-I'll be sprinkling invisible go-fast glitter dust on you during your race. she did and it worked
Best Cheer-
On the phone with Ruby before the race Jen asked her what she should cheer at me when I went by Ruby suggested, "RUN LIKE A MONKEY!" This was one of my favorite things to yell at teammates at SLU and for some reason she knows this and likes it.
Best Pre-Race Laugh-
On race morning I got a text from Kevin that said "kick ass! Ride like you stole it! Run like ur running from me! haha!" it's good when people make you laugh before races:)
Worst Foot In Mouth Comment to someone from USAT-
I like the duathlon scene, it has a good vibe, a little bit more relaxed than triathlon. Less of a flexing contest.
Funniest Post-race Field Trip-
Stumbling through Colonial Williamsburg on aching weary legs
Best Comment about Amy becoming less of a basket case at races-
I used to have this panic about things going wrong at races, I don't really get that anymore because things just sort of work out. -Jenny