Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm Gonna Recycle This Resolution


I resolve to stop being lazy! To shovel my front walk and keep it clear.

I tried to start this anti-sloth movement a few days before the new year with the great ice removal project from my front side walk. I also did a great marathon paced run that day and a long run the next. Yesterday I cleared the sidewalk again but only ran 3 easy miles after I dreamt about sore legs and a trip to the massage therapist. In the past year I've rarely been lazy about running, I'd lose my freaking mind if I was. I have bigger things that I've been ignoring-unsettled relationships that are holding me back, a house that needs finishing-I often ignore them instead of tackling them, even though I feel much better when I do. For 2008 I will channel my inner Janet Farrell and be a woman with a smooth sidewalk and an unfettered soul. I'm going to be a woman who uses words like unfettered and mean it. 2008 will be about action and freedom-stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Do It. Remember you have a deadline of May 1, 2010 for one those resolutions from 2008.
