On the way to my parent's this morning the dogs and I stopped at one of our favorite trails and headed out for a quick ski. It was a beautiful morning and I immediately felt calm and started grinning. After being cooped up all week I think the dogs were grinning too. They live to run off leash, don't we all? Ruby and I have been pretty busy with ski lessons, ski jumping, and swimming so this was the first time in a couple weeks that the dogs and I have been out to crash through the woods the way we love to! While skiing and grinning I came up with a diagnosis for what we've been suffering from during the work week-TITWDD (Time In The Woods Definiency Disorder) and it usually makes me run around like a chicken with my head cut off! It was nice to feel calm and not have to think of anything but keeping the dogs in sight and moving forward!
At one point I got so wrapped up in nothingness that I realized I hadn't heard the dogs in a few minutes and it might be a good idea to give em a holler and regroup. When I turned around to yell Quenton was quietly trotting behind me with half a dead bunny in his mouth-I couldn't stop laughing. The old man seemed so proud to show me his new toy, he carried the back end of that bunny like it was his new born baby. He even let me take a picture of it. You might be thinking-what is wrong with her, the poor bunny is dead, but there's a story behind the laughter. This year I've gotten fixated on turning my indoor track team into a wolfpack. I think it's because I have so many students that wear those awesome wolf t-shirts mixed with the fact the wolves are fast and fierce. For our Sectional Championship last night each athlete recieved a card from with a pic of a wolf and an inspirational quote. These are a couple of the best ones. These cards worked cause the kids channeled their inner wolves and had a great meet. Back to the dog carrying the dead bunny, imagine my surprise when I turn around and he's playing wolf for me carrying half of a dead bunny-very strange Q! When we got closer to the car he ducked into the woods and found a nice place to lay his bunny to rest and jump into car, sat down, and grinned calmly:)